Studio Performance Art (SPA) is a long-term series of events focused on performance art. Our goal is to create a structure that, alongside regular festivals and pop-up events, enables a presentation of performance art, performance artists, and the art‘s various forms.

The series explores a medium that may seem little-known and marginal to some, and elitist and accessible only to industry experts to others. Our intention is to challenge the performance art’s status quo and present it as a diverse art form. The programme’s acronym SPA, “lázně” in Czech, hints on the principles of the series’ events. Centred on a personal approach, they emphasise a care and the potential of a cleansing effect of art and mutual encounters.

At the same time, SPA establishes and develops relationships with other stakeholders (organisations, institutions, collectives, festivals) working in performance art. The purpose of the series is not to isolate oneself and promote one’s activity. On the contrary, we want to look for a space where our own activities serve as a catalyst for establishing long-term ties and collaborations.


Close friendships: A-i-R MeetFactory, Festival nahých forem, Bludný kámen, artspace Světova1, Libeňská Synagoga, NUUK – Kulturní sauna a osvěžovna, Mr Marcel – a driver of the PerformanceBus


PerformanceBus stops: 8smička, Basement Project, Vedlejší kolej, Nová Perla

A zine (small publication) documenting the series’ inaugural year was published in 2021.

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FR 21.06.2024 / 20:00-21:00 / garden of Studia ALTA

SPA: Syinat Zholdosheva & Batu Bozoglu



SA 18.11.2023 / 9:30 – 22:30

SPA: PerformanceBus (Znovu na cestě. Znovu za dobrodužstvím)


TH 12.10.2023 / 16:00-22:00

SPA: ROOT AND CONNECT / (4+4 dny v pohybu)


TU 22.08.2023 / 19:30

SPA: Saadat Aitalieva [Biškek] & Loretta Lau [Amsterdam/Praha]


MO 26.06.2023 / 19:30 / Libeňský pivovar, U Českých loděnic 4, Praha 8

SPA: Lucia Bricco [Řím], Grigor Muradyan & Syuzanna Hakobyan [Jerevan]


TH 06.04.2023 / 18:30 / Libeňská Synagoga (Ludmilina 601/4, Palmovka, P8)

SPA: Adriana Disman (can/ger) & Ilka Theurich (ger)


SA 01.04.2023 / 9:30 – 22:00

SPA: PerformanceBus (severní cesta) / ALTA tours