Micro- and transnational communities mobilisation through artistic practice

ON MOBILISATION focuses on community mobilisation through artistic processes. This bottom-up project co-funded by the European Union, takes an active role in an international solidarity and emancipatory movement. It aims to bring together and to engage individuals for favouring forms of social justice and equality. In order to effectively address the concept of micro-community mobilisation the project embraces local specificities of the four partner organisations: wpZimmer, Baltic Art Center, Studio ALTA and Lavanderia a Vapore. They are mobilised by adopting radical forms of cultural participation facilitated by six international artists: Kalle Brolin, Elisabetta Consonni, Daniele Ninarello, Ahilan Ratnamohan, Marika Smreková and Danae Theodoridou.

The main objective of the ON MOBILISATION project is to respond to the need for transnational creation and circulation of knowledge and capacity building. It proposes a softly guided frame for participation, in a peer-to-peer dynamic, contributing to the ongoing demand for elementary equality, social fairness and empowerment. It creates an informal and inclusive model of learning within culture, stimulating exchange, activating citizens, developing audience and by that opening up a connection to other social spheres and domains that were inaccessible before.

During ON MOBILISATION, Studio ALTA will facilitate the artistic research “On Parent-friendly Culture” led by Marika Marika Smreková. Our trajectory focuses on the invisible work of parents and their exclusion from social and cultural life. During the next months, we will search for strategies on how to make our institutions more accessible towards the parents of smaller children. Our tool will be a community of active people and means of self-organizing. Our aim is to prototype a practice of dismantling barriers that we are placing between each other. 

“One way to activate society for positive change is to engage it in active heterogeneous communities in which collaborative creative activity takes place. The artists, together with the audience and the environment, can be in an emancipatory creative dialogue that prototypes the disruption of the hierarchical, patriarchal structures of society as well as the anthropocentric worldview.” _ Marika Smreková




Parent-Friendly Culture

Parent-Friendly Culture brings together a group of people (parents and non-parents) who desire a more active cultural and social life.

We have noticed many barriers in our society and culture that separate parents from non-parents, as if their paths should never cross. And cultural institutions’ programming often contributes to the separation. The Parent-Friendly approach offers a change: by connecting a group of people organised through a WhatsApp group, and offering a regular programme for adults that starts earlier and is accompanied by free babysitting.

The impulse comes from an artist and mother, Marika Smreková, and Studio ALTA.

“Before I became a mother, I had a rich cultural and social life. This changed significantly when my daughter Emilka was born. I realised that a big part of cultural programme is suddenly unavailable to me. I knew that motherhood would change my life, but I keep asking the question: What if our society and cultural institutions function in a way that does not single out parents of young children? What could we do together to achieve a change? What if cultural programming does not reduce parents’ interests to children’s performances?” Marika Smreková, artist

“We want to be a cultural centre that does not divide but unites. Our goal is for our programme to be open and understandable, and for people in different life situations to meet in our auditoriums. In other words, parents of young children with non-parents and, at the end, with children as well. People have their routines and habits, they don’t even think they could do things differently. We want to listen to the parents to understand their needs and learn about their wishes, and share time with them at Studio ALTA.” Petr Dlouhý, curator, Studio ALTA


The Parent-Friendly Culture is based on three principles:

1) It connects a group of people – artists, parents (mothers and fathers) and non-parents, united by their wish to participate in a more inclusive cultural offering. They are organised through a WhatsApp group. The purpose of the group is to share information and make new friends.

2) It makes performances inclusive, to all adult audiences by setting earlier show time and offering free babysitting by experienced kindergarten guides and lecturers who have been working with children for a long time.

3) It continues to draw attention to the invisible and underappreciated work of parents of young children and their exclusion from social life, to the barriers parents have to face. Our goal is to organise discussions and to appeal to other cultural institutions to make their programming accessible to parents as well.



Either click on the link below or scan the QR code. You will be directed to a “WhatsApp Community Channel.” Here, we will share news on regular basis, inform about performances and opportunities to get actively involved. If you wish to get to know others, in “Community Channel” you can find a link to the group chat of Parent-Friendly Culture / Studio ALTA. Join us there and get to know other members through the chat. You can ask questions about what interests you as well as seek support.


WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IgkR9tLQVZd9dsEPTGhTHB




26.01.2025 / 14:00 a 17:30 / Community and cultural center Žižkostel

Marika Smreková, Lenka Jabůrková a Matěj Nytra: Seeing the invisible




TU 01.10 – TH 03.10.2024 / Žižkostel community and cultural centre



WE 02.10.2024 / 17:30-18:30 / Community and cultural center Žižkostel

Marika Smreková, Lenka Jabůrková a Matěj Nytra: Seeing the invisible


TH 26.09.2024 / 17:30-18:30 / Community and cultural center Žižkostel

Marika Smreková, Lenka Jabůrková a Matěj Nytra: Seeing the invisible / PREMIERE


9. – 10.7. / 13:00–17:00
11.7. / 13:00-19:00

Komunitní centrum Žižkostel



TH 23.05.2024 / 18:00 / outside in front of the ALTA Studio

Antoinette Helbing: The Laughing Crowd / *PF (Parent Friendly)


WE 08.05.2024 / 18:00 / outside in front of the ALTA Studio

Martina Hajdyla, Eliška Brtnická, Jana Stárková: TREMULA / *PF (Parent Friendly)


FR 15.09.2023 / 18:00

Ufftenživot & Studio ALTA: WHOMAN *PF


SA 07.10 – MO 09.10.2023

ON MOBILISATION _Afternoon school of accessibility
