
3.6. 17.00 – 20.00
4.6. 9.30 – 17.00
5.6. 9.30 – 16.00

Free entry, please make a reservation at Please, follow current hygiene rules.

We would like to invite you to a trip to the terrain around Prague. We will go to the places where the Earth’s Tekto Party left a mark. And there are many of them in the vicinity of Prague! To look, to marvel, to see things that are already or still invisible.

Yes to grasping time, yes to measure beyond human comprehension, yes to imagination, yes to thinking and wonder, yes to effort, yes to movement, yes to inter-being, connection and coexistence, yes to touch, yes to change, yes to stories, yes to silence, yes to “heck, where did this stone come from”, yes to walking.

And then yes to return. On June 3-5, we will experience a three-day intensive meeting, during which we will go into the field again and together we will create a performative experience.

What is a performance, when and how does a performative act take place? Who is it for? About the relationship to the body, about the relationship to the place, about the knowledge that there is movement even in peace. To anyone who is interested in body and movement. To anyone interested in opening up space for a deeper understanding and connection with a certain place. Understanding also the body of the Earth, which created the environment and conditions for our existence.

The content and topics of the meeting are based on the research of Zdenka Brungot Svíteková, which emerged from curiosity and interest in the geomorphological and tectonic reality of the place where we live. The interest in geology is still a fascinating journey in space and time, in the deep time of Earth’s history. It shapes and cultivates our understanding of matter, dimensions, processes, space and time. At first glance, the simple question “what does here mean?” remains complex and fascinating. To answer it, it is still necessary to answer the questions “where?” and “when?” at the same time. The answers exist, only occasionally a stone or new information appears unexpectedly, and the whole idea of ​​what it really is comes to life anew.

Field work will be about body, movement, attention, imagination. Also about the gradual layering of experience and the ability to see and read the landscape, oneself, the surroundings, oneself in the landscape, the landscape within oneself…

“I see dance – and movement – as basic ways of experiencing life and existence in a world with all its complexities given by nature and human existence. I believe that our bodies have an inner intelligence that is the result of more than three billion years of evolution – from the moment the first cell was formed. Instead of gaining control over the body and the places we inhabit, we have the opportunity to develop ways to listen to them.”

Tekto Party Part II builds on the artistic-performative experience of Tekto Party I from June 2020 as an artistic sharing and creative meeting ending with a performative experience. Even then, we wanted to deepen this experience and experience it in the field – where what we are researching is happening.