
21.06.2024 / 18:00-19:30


The Hosue of Research is an integral part of the means by which Studio ALTA supports artistic development. This year, a total of five artists, coming from other parts of Europe and with different ways of working, took up residence in it. During the twelve days, they shared a common workspace, devoted themselves to their individual projects and exchanged experiences on how to approach artistic research. 

The final output will take a shape of a composed event, prepared by the artists in collaboration with the curator Petr Dlouhy, which brings a formal experiment in the presentation of artistic research and at the same time is an open invitation to look into diverse artistic practices.

Participating artists: Jatun Risba, Magdalena Weniger, Markéta Fagan, Lukáš Bliss & Andrej Štěpita

Curator: Petr Dlouhý



Jatun Risba (they/them) is a migrant transmedia performance artist from Slovenia. Their work engages with ecofeminist and posthumanist discourses through performance art, conceptual art, relational art and practices of abjection, détournement and art intervention. 

During the residency, they will further develop their durational performance-lecture “The Intimacy of Otherness” that explores new forms of transmedia story-telling that gives voice to “other” (untold, hidden..) narratives.



Magdalena Weniger is a choreographer, performer, singer, author and curator living and working between Freiburg and Dresden. Under the label KOMA&Ko, she has been developing projects for stages, offspaces and public spaces since 2015. 

With her new research ‘Showdown Slowdown‘, Magdalena is looking for new ways to live and work. She comes to challenge herself to think about alternative ways of living and working, thriving and surviving. Can (she) we reduce speed, but still earn a living?



Markéta is a dance artist born in New York City, raised in New Orleans and now based in Prague. Her current practice questions the relationship between consciousness and choreography. She utilizes improvisational dance and creative writing as tools to submarine into the deeper crevices of her mind. 

For this residency, Markéta wants to follow a continuum of energy she put into her most recent project, a dance solo titled ‘Rhythm of the Rolling Hill’. In the solo, she danced on stage with 8 barrels of hay. Markéta is interested in extending the life of the hay, and using it as a sculptural medium.



Lukas Bliss originates from a theatre and contemporary circus background. He is interested in embedding dance/movement into inanimate objects and in turn letting them control his own actions. Andrej Štěpita is a dancer and choreographer that explores different techniques linking civil, expressive and virtuosic forms. 

They artistically met while working for Farm in the Cave company, but this residency is the first time they start something on their own. Coming with different practices, their common ground will become “conversationns of a haptic nature” and will involve lots of catching, throwing, finding, losing themselves and objects.