
19.09.2021 / 19:30


Tomáš Janypka/Sabina Bočková
song lines: expedition 97/18
For the last time in Studio Alta, Tomáš Janypka and Sabina Bočková will present the author’s performance of song lines: Expedition 97/18, which deals with the absence and loss of a close person.
In the depth of the choreographic work, there is the search for the answer, how can such a traumatizing experience influence our body, even though the loss itself is hidden inside us and invisible. This search creates an imaginary map of the space, where the distance from the experience is the main measuring scale. It is a navigation for the search, where emotions become a return to the lost spaces, where words and bodies can be very close and incredibly distant at the same time.
Despite the appearance of the difficulty of this topic, this performance is more of a celebration of our darker places.
Concept: Tomáš Janypka
Autor/Performer: Sabina Bočková, Tomáš Janypka (SK/CZ)
Lighting design, costumes concept: Michal Hor Horáček (CZ)
Dramaturgy: Marie Gourdain (FR)
Choreographic cooperation: Matthew Rogers (US)
Music consultations: Elia Moretti (IT)
Produced by: SKOK and Z druhé strany
Co-produced by: Studio ALTA, Stanica Žilina-Záriečie
Produced in cooperation with: Záhrada CNK, Divadlo Pôtoň, Župný dom Púchov a Podivný Barón, Bazaar Festival Praha, Litomyšl ZUŠ, SE.S.TA – centrum choreografického rozvoje, Plzeň – Moving Station, Komařice, Malovice Švestkový dvůr and Stanica Žilina-Záriečie. Supported by: Fond na podporu umenia


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● In 2021, all events at ALTA are free! ●

During the pandemic, we did not have the opportunity to meet you in person and open ALTA to the general public. Now that we can do it, we want to be even closer to you. We decided that we would not collect any entrance fees for our programs in 2021, so that really everyone could come. Culture to all!


foto: Katarína Baranyai, Karolína Janypková a Dragan Dragin