
We will work mostly in couples, but it is not a condition to bring somebody along with you. However, if you work on something with a partner, this might perhaps be right for you.

We will touch upon and work with the following:

– Voice foundations training (from breathing to voice, the question of the right posture, voice on breath and diaphragm and what these terms actually mean)
– From voice to text and speech – the texts will originate in the workshop and they will be used in relation to the movement
– Structured improvisation: will serve as a verification of all introduced principles (movement, text, voice and development of creative impulses)

The questions we are interested in and will attempt to find answers to are: How can we recognize when “something” is being created and how can we support its development? How can we support creativeness with a partner? What is a cooperation and how can I create a safe environment in which mistakes aren’t really mistakes?

We use principles such as an open play and we welcome, acknowledge and support authentic expression of each participant. Besides various voice and movement techniques, the main tools of our work are empathy, intuitive listening and different techniques fostering the quality of your presence such as readiness, openness and above all humour.