13.07.2021 / 18:00 |
There are birds in the aquarium is an exhibition with ten mechanized sculptures. It brings together two worlds that attract and scare me: the air world and the aquatic world. These two vastnesses are far too big for me and yet represent the desire to escape.
The sky is a playground, it calls to dream, to flight.
Metaphorically, I seek through my machines to defy the laws of gravity, to fly above my affects, to take air in my head.
Making these poetic mechanisms is what gives me breathing in my daily life.
The abyssal world is fascinating and terrifying, I am afraid of the monsters of the seabed, they embody those who inhabit me and devour me inside me. So I made a smiling whale and adopted a red fish. And one day a bird came to land on the edge of the aquarium.
After a year of incubation the wing of Les Anges au Plaford Company, L’Insolite Mécanique Company was founded in 2015 as a creative space halfway between mechanized theater, plastic installation, and performance.
Magali Rousseau creates and manipulates her poetic objects.
otevřeno denně 14:00 – 21:00
vernisáž 13/7 18:00
● V roce 2021 jsou všechny akce v ALTĚ zdarma! ●
V době pandemie jsme neměli možnost se s vámi potkávat osobně a otevřít ALTU široké veřejnosti. Teď, když je to možné, vám proto chceme být ještě blíž. Rozhodli jsme se, že na naše programy v roce 2021 nebudeme vybírat žádné vstupné, aby mohl přijít opravdu každý. Kulturu všem!
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