
18.1. 2018 / 19:30


We create our phantasies, we sense our fears and desires.

We observe our own possible futures.

Subjective Future is a mockumentary.

It is a subjective interpretation of the futures of four artists from different fields – dance, theatre, visual arts and film. We look at today´s events from the future point of view. And the present appears completely different…

Concept and directed by: Petra Fornayová

Created and performed by: Petra Fornayová, Adam Hanuljak,  Natália Okolicsányiová (alt.Soňa Feriečíková), Ján Šimko

Visual concept: Boris Vitázek

Music: Lucia Džubáková – Chuťková

Costumes: Iveta Haasová

Dramaturgy: Peter Šulej

Technical direction and lighting design: Slavomír Šmálik

Voice-over: Lucia Hurajová

Used texts: Peter Šulej_Prišli Odišli, Jean Améry_O starnutí / Revolta a rezignácia, Alex Williams a Nick Srnicek_ Manifest akceleracionizmu, Paul Verhaeghe_výber z rôznych textov, Ondrej Štefánik_Som Paula, personal questionnaires MMPI

Produced by: AST

Premiere: 17.5.2017, A4 Bratislava

Shows: Festival súčasného umenia HALA Trenčín 2017, Festival Vlna Naživo 2017 Bratislava, Noc divadiel 2017 – Divadelná Nitra /Cena Oskara Čepana, Nitra, Divadlo K. Spišáka

The performance was supported by the Slovak Fond na podporu umenia and the International Visegrad Fund within the VARP residency at Studio ALTA in Prague.

Thanks to: Adriana Bobowská, Uršula Kovalyk, Divadlo Bez domova, Alena Petrželková and the Centre of social services Náruč záchrany SENIOR&JUNIOR in Bratislava.