27.07.2021 / 19:30 |
Ingrid Vranken works as an independent dramaturg, curator and artist, and is a member of FoAM, a transdisciplinary laboratory at the interstices of art, science, nature and everyday life. Her curatorial and artistic practice focuses on enabling a systemic ecofeminist transition in the arts, through engaging with the knowledge and labor of other-than-human beings, and in particular plants. For this, she creates collaborative curatorial frameworks and speculative lecture performances under the umbrella of Rooted Hauntology Lab. Since the spring of 2020 she is part of the multi-voiced curatorial team of wpZimmer, a space for artistic development in Antwerp.
Nahuel Cano was born in Neuquén, Wallmapu, known today as Argentina’s Patagonia, in 1982. He lives and works between Buenos Aires and Amsterdam. He is an actor, theatre-maker, and researcher.
His field of artistic action is mobile, exploring the possibilities of performance, installation, cinema, and theatre. Nahuel is a founding member of Escena Política (www.escenapolitica.org), an artistic and political collective that has organized actions, forums, performances, and political-artistic protests.
As an actor, he worked both in cinema and theatre with renowned directors like Lucrecia Martel, Lotte van Der Berg and Alejandro Tantanián among others. From 2010 until 2017 as a maker Nahuel developed his artistic projects together with the group “El Cuarto” (www.estudioelcuarto.com), these works have been presented in multiple international festivals and have received support and awards from national and international institutions. In 2020 he graduated from the DAS Theatre Master program in Amsterdam.
Currently he is developing a platform and subjective territory from which keep expanding his research and solo work: Kütral – Nahuel.
Web: www.nahuelcano.me
FoAM Zenne The Zenne is a small river local to the Brussels region. A source, a tributary and partially submerged, the Zenne flows beneath the city as a reminder of the swampy realities that Brussels is built upon. Like the river, FoAM Zenne is a fluid entity, an undercurrent connecting wild mixtures of life. By staying with muddy troubles of our times, it taps into what might be brewing under the surface of (more-than-human) societies and questions how to live during times of loss, transformation and shifting cultural values. At FoAM Zenne, generosity and sympoiesis form the basis for regenerative practices which include art, making, experiencing and being together.
FoAM Zenne is committed to expanding what can be considered artistic practice across, within and beneath existing fields. We seek out provocateurs and allies among humans, plants and ghosts in particular, pointing to multiple of ways of being-with a world in turmoil. They inform both the what (form & content) and the how (process & methods) of our work.
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● V roce 2021 jsou všechny akce v ALTĚ zdarma! ●
V době pandemie jsme neměli možnost se s vámi potkávat osobně a otevřít ALTU široké veřejnosti. Teď, když je to možné, vám proto chceme být ještě blíž. Rozhodli jsme se, že na naše programy v roce 2021 nebudeme vybírat žádné vstupné, aby mohl přijít opravdu každý. Kulturu všem!
Photo: Rasa Alksnyte