10 ½ edition of the festival for Slovak performative arts will be LIVE!
– All events are free.
– All events take place in ALTA in the premises of Invalidovna, the exact location of all events will be specified at the door.
– All visitors must present a negative antigen test or confirmation of vaccination, or a statutory declaration of regular company testing or confirmation from a general practitioner that visitor had covid in the past month.
– Children under the age of 10 do not need to provide test if they are accompanied by a family member with a negative test.
– Kids that are tested at school, please bring a declaration.
– Morning workouts and meditations are open to the public.
– Afternoon performances will take place outdoors and it is possible to watch them without a test behind the garden fence (of course we will be happy if you test yourself and join us directly in the garden).
– Evening performances (start at 7:30 PM) in the interior are only for the professional public.
– There is no need to register for events.
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Anežka Medová: / 734219865
Lucia Kašiarová: / 739615148
Thursday 6.5.
Whole day | Shssssh installation
10,00 – 11,30 | Morning workout with Renan Martins aka DJ Bamboo (the workout takes place at ALTA, Renan will lead the class via Zoom)
11,30 – 12,00 | Meditation with Peter Šavel
12,00 – 14,00 | Lunch and discussion
14,00 – 16,00 | Writing diaries with Tomáš Janypka and Sonja Pregrad
15:00 – 18:00 | Continuous performative praxis based on the performance Diaries of Touch (Sonja Pregrad and coll.)
19,30 – 20,30 | Eva Priečková, Zuzana Žabková: Bodies in Trouble
Friday 7.5.
Whole day | Shssssh installation
10,00 – 11,30 | Morning workout with Mimo o.s.
11,30 – 12,00 | Meditation with Peter Šavel
12,00 – 14,00 | Lunch and discussion
14,00 – 16,00 | Shssssh performance + searching for balance with Martina Hajdyla Lacová and Daniel Raček
17,30 – 18,30 | Karen Foss Quiet Works & ME-SA: Man shape Revised
19,30 – 20,30 | tri4 and Milan Tomášik: Repast
Saturday 8.5.
Whole day | Shssssh installation
10,00 – 11,30 | Morning workout with Eva Priečková and Zuzana Žabková
11,30 – 12,00 | Meditation with Peter Šavel
12,00 – 14,00 | Lunch and discussion
14,00 – 16,00 | Lecture by Matěj Hývl on quantum physics
17,00 – 18,15 | Peter Šavel and coll.: Kvint et sense
19,30 – 20,30 | Marko Popović: The Death of Antigone
Sunday 9.5.
13,00 – 17,00 | Dance reading club with SE.S.TA | Live at ALTA + ZOOM