25.10.2023 / 19:00 - 22:00 |
Sára Arnstein & Ufftenživot: Wonderland / Rabbit Hole – work in progress
At the beginning of my thinking and rehearsing process is a dissatisfaction about my relationship with a smartphone which keeps me constantly connected with others, yet, at the same time, disconnected from myself. A certain kind of friendship and dependence. Does one’s need to feed on something instant, something from the outside, come from the habit of using information technologies, or from one’s pure need not to be with oneself? During rehearsing process I came to realise that what bothers me and what I would like to change is something that cannot be taken back – the reality, my experiences. Neurons in my brain have been affected by it. And I can’t even erase my memory (not yet).
So I take the formula of a person immersed into a smartphone in their hand and I replicate this immersion into a rabbit hole physically, as a performer, in a room, in a space shared with the audience. I become the rabbit hole feeding on what surrounds it and its own story. Because I am constantly seeking nourishment for my mind, I am looking for a feed for my need. I am inundated with information and images, yet I keep wanting more.
How does it feel to click with your finger on buttons versus on a white wall? Is there a difference? Is it easier to get dissolved into a phone screen or into a door handle? Am I becoming the person defined by what I do for a living? What can I see when I close my eyes? What is behind all this? A rabbit hole of memories. Is there an emptiness my mind could reach? Is there time for that?
Concept, performance: Sára Arnstein
Dramaturgy: Lucia Kašiarová
Co-produced: Ufftenživot
The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Municipality of Prague.
The project is implemented with the support of the Center for Choreographic Development SE.S.TA and Komařice.
30 minutes / in Czech and English
Pauline Payen: Yahoo! Dance! [Berlin] -Czech premiere
Mylène Farmer ! has ! something ! wonderful ! to tell us! Come ! see the show ! and find out ! The Terrifying Truth! Payen’s dance-theatre piece uses Yahoo-News headlines as an excuse for exposing various delirious bodies, for dwelling in the click-baits.. and for foolishly trying to be a subject in the midst of our own subjection.
Concept, Choreography, Performance: Pauline Payen
Sound Design: FiFi
Dramaturgy: Lyllie Rouviere
A project created with support from WP Zimmer Antwerp, Studio Alta Prague, Lake Studios Berlin, Fortuna Berlin and the Marzahn Movement Studios. Research funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR program.
45 minutes / English
Pauline, Agnès, Yannie, Payen (or PAYP) ate a spider age 2. She works at the crossing of dance, performance, and visual arts, and is a Feldenkrais practitioner. Pauline is particularly interested in paradoxes, voices, faces, powers, shadows, chewing-gum, dreams, attitudes, loops, slippery things, death, sound, poetry, theatricality, magic, social stereotypes, personas, and other ghosts.