
16.09.2023 / 11:00, 13:00 a 15:00


a site-specific meditative piece on the memory of space


Come with us to a place once abandoned. See the walls that still keep standing? Touch them. Feel their breath. Let them take you deeper within.
Traces of Human Presence is an intimate site-specific piece of encounter. It doesn’t search to explain nor educate. It explores, recalls, remembers. It is a visit.
We believe a physical environment carries memories of beings that shaped it with their lives. “The still” recalls “that which moved”. Have you seen the person that has left the room just before you came? Touch the chair. It is still warm.
You will come and go, just as people did for generations, while their environment and their ways of life kept changing. We invite the visitors to observe the space and for a brief period of time to inhabit it with us.


 50 minutes / no language barrier


Performing: Debora Štysová, Mara Ingea, Marie Anna Václavek Krušinová
Sound: Vi Huyen Tran
Debora St. is a member of Lovable Humans.

Inscenace byla podpořena městskou částí Praha 8.