2.6. 2017 / 19:30 |
I moved to Prague almost three years ago, with a baby. Having a baby is like changing to a new planet. So I changed planet and I changed country. This is the context where this solo was born. A Context of isolation and alienation. Then I started to study Czech. But it was very hard and I was overwhelmed by it. But I keep on going to classes. I still go. I remember one day I was waiting to enter the class and then there was a little book with a short explanation of Czech history. I realized I felt a resistance to open myself to this culture, a culture full of fear… a culture that I felt it had much pain and weight.
“who learns a new language gains a new soul”
And that was the starting point of my solo. To do a ritual to bring peace to my souls and open myself to Czech soul, culture, to Prague… As a foreigner, you have a resistance because you don’t know where you are entering. Fear meets fear. The countries, the cultures also have a resistance to the things they don’t know.