
10 ½ edition of the festival for Slovak performative arts will be LIVE!


– All events are free.

– All events take place in ALTA in the premises of Invalidovna, the exact location of all events will be specified at the door.

– All visitors must present a negative antigen test or confirmation of vaccination, or a statutory declaration of regular company testing or confirmation from a general practitioner that visitor had covid in the past month.

– Children under the age of 10 do not need to provide test if they are accompanied by a family member with a negative test.

– Kids that are tested at school, please bring a declaration.

– Morning workouts and meditations are open to the public.

– Afternoon performances will take place outdoors and it is possible to watch them without a test behind the garden fence (of course we will be happy if you test yourself and join us directly in the garden).

– Evening performances (start at 7:30 PM) in the interior are only for the professional public.

– There is no need to register for events.

If you have any further questions, please contact:
Anežka Medová: / 734219865
Lucia Kašiarová: / 739615148

Saturday 8.5.

Whole day | Shssssh installation

10,00 – 11,30 | Morning workout with Eva Priečková and Zuzana Žabková

11,30 – 12,00 | Meditation with Peter Šavel

12,00 – 14,00 | Lunch and discussion

14,00 – 16,00 | Lecture by Matěj Hývl on quantum physics

17,00 – 18,15 | Peter Šavel and coll.: Kvint et sense

19,30 – 20,30 | Marko Popović: The Death of Antigone

Peter Šavel and coll.: Kvint et sense

In Kvint et Sense, guided by the notion that all that is around us is a vibrating matter, we become the vessels to manifest all the vibrations that we are and that surround us. We encourage the diversity between us, creating a space, where hierarchy can dissolve. None of us is more important than the other, though our differences are fully embraced.

The music, together with the memory and possibilities inscribed in the space, together with you experiencing – all these vibrations enter our bodies and shape us, move us. We shift from one manifestation to another. Becoming the emotions and images that humanity caries since centuries. Becoming the individual stories and feelings that each person carries with them. Becoming the particles that are moving, expanding, collapsing in the space.

Kvint et Sense is a space in which we put ourselves to disposition, so that things that influence all of us, but that we at the same time can’t grasp and understand, can be felt, experienced, put to the foreground. To open your senses and feel the dance, which happens in-between you and the dancers, the dancers and the music, the performers themselves, the planets, the particles…

The stars will have the last word and outshine Earth
I will call/calm you when the sun has reached the final hour


Concept: Peter Šavel
Created by: Martina Hajdyla Lacová, Tereza Ondrová, Eva Priečková, Lucia Kašiarová, Renan Martins de Oliveira, Peter Šavel
Performing: Eva Priečková, Lucia Kašiarová, Renan Martins de Oliveira, Peter Šavel
Music: Tomáš Vtípil & coll. (Jana Vondrů, Pavla Klusová – voice, Petr Fučík – drums, Pavel Zlámal – sax, Tomáš Vtípil – violin, electronics, percussions, concept, arrange)
Light design: Zuzana Režná
Production: ME-SA / Jiří Hajdyla
Coproduction: Studio ALTA
Supported by: Ministry of Culture CZ, Prague City Hall, ALT@RT